Week -4 - Electronics Production

Final Project


Our instructors asked us to think of possible final projects, and to create a sketch for the main idea (or for multiple ideas).

I had been contemplating a potential final project, a project that I must say is nothing short of a dream. It revolves around my passion for combating climate change and involves the development of a DNA-based data storage system utilizing microalgae. However, before diving into such a complex endeavor, I thought it would be prudent to start with a more practical and useful tool that can aid me in the growth of microalgae. And thus, I am thrilled to present my idea for the creation of "Liquid Light.”

The initial handmade sketch indicating rudimentary form and function.

Here, are other project ideas that I have been thinking about - GPS Locket for Kids. As, kids generally have a tendency to wander away and it is difficult to continuously track and monitor their movements. So, the focus of this wearable would be to track the movements of kids to protect them from getting lost.

Some digital renders extending the idea of using the lamp and the algae culture medium as a "Breathing Library"

Reading light + Book shelf + Air Purifier + Algae used as protein feed = Voila! That’s my first project idea!

My first project idea is to create a multifunctional furniture piece called "Eco Shelf." The Eco Shelf is designed to be a reading light, bookshelf, air purifier, and a sustainable source of protein feed using algae. The shelf will have built-in LED lights to provide a comfortable reading environment. It will also feature multiple shelves to store books and other items. Additionally, the shelf will incorporate an air purifier system to improve indoor air quality. The unique aspect of this project is the integration of an algae culture medium, which will serve as a sustainable protein feed source. The algae will be grown and harvested within the shelf, providing a continuous supply of nutritious food. The Eco Shelf aims to promote sustainability, provide a functional and aesthetically pleasing furniture piece, and contribute to the well-being of both individuals and the environment.

Breathing Library - Swasa


The Breathing Library - Swasa is a multifunctional installation designed to enhance library environments. It integrates air purification, CO2 removal, and a relaxing reading light into a single, sustainable unit. This project aims to improve air quality in libraries, provide a comfortable reading environment, and foster community engagement through the use of advanced manufacturing techniques and sustainable technology.

Key Features:

  1. Automated Air Purification: An efficient air purification system to enhance indoor air quality.
  1. CO2 Removal: Utilizes algae to remove CO2 from the air, contributing to a healthier environment.
  1. User-Friendly Interface: Easy-to-use interface for monitoring and controlling the system.
  1. Cost-Effective: Designed to be affordable with a focus on using locally sourced and sustainable materials.
  1. Customizable: Can be tailored to fit various library sizes and needs.
  1. Efficient Mechanisms: Mechanisms designed for optimal performance and energy efficiency.
  1. Adaptability: Adaptable to different environments and requirements.
  1. Easy Assembly and Maintenance: Designed for straightforward assembly and minimal maintenance.
  1. Future Expandability: Modular design allows for future upgrades and enhancements.

Technologies Used:

  • 3D Printing: For creating custom parts and housing.
  • CNC Machining: For precise cutting of components.
  • Laser Cutting: For creating structural components.
  • Circuit Designing: Creating electronic circuit layouts.
  • PCB Milling: Manufacturing printed circuit boards.
  • Soldering and Assembling: Integrating electronic components.
  • Embedded Programming: Programming the microcontroller to control the system.


The Breathing Library - Swasa aims to create a healthier and more comfortable environment in libraries, leveraging technology to improve air quality and provide a multifunctional space for the community.

Bill of Materials (BOM):

Sourcing Table:

Material/ComponentSourceExample Suppliers
Filament for 3D PrintingFab InventoryFablab
Wood SheetsFab InventoryFablab
Acrylic Sheets, CardboardFab InventoryFablab
Electronic ComponentsElectronics stores, online platforms, Fab InventoryThomson Electronics, Amazon, Fablab
Algal Growth MaterialsAmazonAmazon
BeakerKing’s AquariumKing’s Aquarium
Aerator pumpKing’s AquariumKing’s Aquarium

Electronics BOM:

J1,J4Conn_PinSocket_1x03_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD~-- mixed values --2
LEDNeopixel String Lights1 (41 units)
S1MQ 1351
S2DHT Sensor1
Power ModuleAdapter1

Material and Machining BOM:

5Card BoardFablab1₹.5₹10
6Aquarium Cost (beaker)Fablab2300600

Total Project Cost:

Electronics BOM Total: ₹2000

Material and Machining BOM Total: ₹4435

Overall Total: ₹6435 INR

Original Design Files:

Include all original design files in the project archive:

  • 2D & 3D design files (CAD models, schematics, etc.)
  • Board files for electronics (PCB layouts)

PCB Final Project

  • Source code for embedded programming

App Files


Breathing Library - Swasa by Kavya Sreekanth is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Design and development: I studied several shapes to develop an organic design for my project

Then ideated on the concepts to develop an optimum structure for my project.

Then I developed a CAD design although this model was eventually discarded and a new design was adopted.


  • Purchased the jar “150 mm dia by 450 mm in height”

add the jar photo

Designed the beaker with the given dimensions

  • with these model i started designing the top part
  • added slots for ventilation

  • designed the pump and mounting plate

  • components packaging

  • Designing the base

  • flanges

  • adding mandela patterns to base

  • designing the top

  • slots for tree branchhes

  • designing the branches

The 3D printed part was designed and postprocessed.

All the parts were arranged and assembled into the 3D printed part.

Wooden Base was cut using SHopbot and a the manadala design was made by Zund.

The base was assembled along with the beaker and cardboard cut tree was placed to check the dimensions.

Schematics design

PCB design

Fabricated PCB

App Interface of Swasa

Final Assembly of Swasa


Acknowledge work done by others:

  • References:

A significant source of inspiration for my project "Swasa" was the "Liquid Tree" developed by Serbia. This innovative project brilliantly combined technology and nature, sparking the idea that we can effectively utilize nature's resources in our everyday technology. I am deeply grateful for the profound impact this project has had on shaping my own work.

  • Contributions:

I was supported throughout by my instructors at Fablab Kochi. The following instructors helped me develop various aspects of the project mentioned as follows:

Mufeed Mohammed - Concept, Design ideation and CAD support

Saheen Palayi - Electronics design and fabrication, System Integration support, Web application and Interface Design

Midlaj - Web application and Interface design

Jogin Francis - Concept Development and Design Ideation

Presentation Files:

Final Project